Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to Avoid Scams!

Opportunities for Filipinos via the internet are endless, so are scammers. If you Google online jobs, you will have thousands of searches, some are legitimate some are not. How can you detect scammers?

1. Stay away from those sites that ask you to pay for membership. the money you spent let say 10K will not be equal to the profit that you will get. Some "free" sites, are just free for the sake of marketing, you will not get many clients or projects unless you will update your membership.

2. They let you submit many articles before paying you. I read in many posts that some sites ask their writers to submit 100 articles before they pay for them. when your done, they will cancel your account, imagine the pain you did for those articles.

3. Research and research. Make use of the internet to double check the person you wish to work with if they are real or not. Google their names and add the word " scam. Some scammers are very professional that its not easy to track them in the interent. I once stumble a scam and they even advertised in JObstreet. Tehy sent me a contract and they offer salary in euro when they are in the States! Their "HR Head" only has a gmail, not a company poor... I read in an Interpool that they are a scam.

4. asking for your Information like bank accounts and credit card numbers... I dont have to elaborate on this, when they start asking for these, think twice. SOme clients would even offer to make a paypal account for you since most FIlipinos dont have Paypal Accounts. My brother's ( a webmaster) American client shoulders banks transfers fees...

Well, that's all I can advise...Filipinos should be vigilant against these criminals. We are very talented and we should not let other people take advantage of us..

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Shifting to be a freelance writer from the conventional 8-5pm job was the best career move I made. I have control of my time especially for my toddler and most of all, I reap higher financial rewards!